First Baptist Church Bevil Oaks is a community of faith based on the core belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and the only real solution to all of life. Through Him we find forgiveness, joy, purpose, and life everlasting.
What We Believe:
1. God exists and He wants us to know Him and love Him.
2. The Bible is God's Word. It is the primary and only perfect source, for knowing God.
3. Jesus is the only Lord and Savior.
4. The Holy Spirit is God and He empowers us to live a life pleasing to God.
5. People are God's treasure.
6. Salvation is an act of God's grace, received by faith alone.
7. The Church is God's plan.
8. God holds the future. We can trust Him.
For a more detailed explanation, click to view the Baptist Faith and Message (2000).